Curriculum Vitae

You can download my detailed CV here: Link


2022-2024   M.S. in Mathematics and Statistics

Georgetown University

2018-2022   B.S.F.S. in International Political Economy | Minor in Mathematics

Georgetown University Walsh School of Foreign Service

Honors Thesis: Import Penetration and the Financial Transmission of Monetary Policy

Honors and Awards: Leslie Jacobson Award for most outstanding in major, Krogh Scholar

Select Work Experience

2022-2024 Senior Research Assistant

Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Monetary Studies in Monetary Affairs Division

2019-2022   Economics Teaching Assistant

Georgetown University Economics Department

Courses: Econometrics (ECON 122), International Trade (ECON 243), Macroeconomics (ECON 002)

Summer 2021   Research Intern

Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Industrial Output Section

Fall 2020   Research Intern

       Cato Institute, International Trade Policy

Summer 2020 Research Assistant

      Professor Shareen Joshi, Georgetown University

Fall 2019 Financial Economics Research Assistant

      U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of the Investor Advocate